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jmfd2015 [2015/03/08 14:48]
vk6nak [Target Bands]
jmfd2015 [2016/02/02 18:38] (current)
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 ===== Radios ===== ===== Radios =====
 +==== Primary Radios: ====
 +^Radio ^Owner ^Bands ^Modes ^Power Supply ^Notes |
 +|IC-706MKIIG |VK6NAK |160m-70cm |All Mode |12VDC \\ RX: 1.8A \\ TX: 20A |  |
 +|IC-718 |VK6WK |160m-10m |SSB |12VDC \\ RX: 1.3A \\ TX: 20A |  |
 +|SRM9200 |VK6NAK |2m |FM |12VDC |Mounted in car, remote head |
 +==== Other Radios to consider: ====
 +^Radio ^Owner ^Bands ^Modes ^Power Supply ^Notes |
 +|X1M |VK6NAK |80m-10cm |SSB |12VDC \\ RX: 0.35A \\ TX: 1.2A |5W TX |
 +|IC-720A |VK6NAK |160m-10m |SSB |12VDC \\ RX: 0.9A \\ TX: 20A |  |
 +|TYT TH-UVF9 |VK6NAK |2m/70cm |FM |Battery |HH, 5W TX |
 +|RTL SDR Receiver |VK6NAK |DC-Daylight |All-mode |Laptop |Able to monitor an entire band \\ May require additional shielding around up-converter \\ Will need antenna to suit |
 ===== Antennas ===== ===== Antennas =====
 +==== Primary Antennas ====
 +^Antenna ^Band ^Notes |
 +|Fishing-rod Dipole |10/15/20m |Directional \\ Requires disassembly to change band \\ No tuner required |
 +|Loaded Vertical |10/20m |Minimal ground plan \\ Needs adapting for 10m |
 +|Random Long-wire |80-10m |Uses Codan manual tuner \\ Needs good earth for performance \\ Ideally thrown up tree |
 +|Dipole / Inverted V |40m |Simple build \\ Thrown up tree, high as possible |
 +|End-fed dipole |2m |Already mounted on car |
 +==== Other Antennas to consider: ====
 +^Antenna ^Band ^Notes |
 +|Station folded dipoles |2m/70cm |  |
 +|Yagis |2m |Need mounting somehow |
 +|Yagis in vk6wk'​s shed |various |Need poles and guys |
 ===== Power Supplies ===== ===== Power Supplies =====
 +The current draw will be up to 40A if both radios are TXing concurrently. This doesn'​t include powering other systems, such as laptops. It may be worth running the 706 and 718 at lower TX power and ramping up to full power if the QSO requires it.
 +Both Icoms use the same 6 pin power connector. Power leads (with fuses) should be constructed to allow for a quick setup on the day.
 +^Power Source ^Size ^Notes |
 +|Station batteries |12V heavy |condition is unknown; may contravene field day rules? |
 +|Bobcat batteries |2x6V large |condition is unknown |
 +|Wheelchair battery |12V 74Ah |condition is unknown, takes a charge |
 +|UPS battery |12V 12Ah |condition is unknown, taking a charge |
 +|Brigade generator |240V large |use via batteries to smooth supply if needed |
 +|vk6wk'​s generator |4kVA sinusoidal |use if necessary |
 +|Vehicle (Light Tanker?) for charging |  |  |
 ===== Feeders ===== ===== Feeders =====
 +^Bands ^Type ^Notes |
 +|any |RG213/U12V heavy |ex shed stock, N Type fittings, various lengths; need adaptors |
 +|  |  |  |
 +|  |  |  |
 +|  |  |  |
 ===== Logging ===== ===== Logging =====
 +JMFD rules state that multi-operator stations much maintain a separate log for each band. This implies a separate laptop for each radio, although paper-logging could be utilised for low volume bands (2m?).
 +VKCL should be used for recording logs entries where possible. It can be downloaded from [[http://​​vkcl/​|http://​​vkcl/​]].
 ===== Schedule ===== ===== Schedule =====
 ===== Other Notes ===== ===== Other Notes =====
jmfd2015.1425797304.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/03/08 14:48 by vk6nak