This antenna was inspired from a video by Peter Parker, VK3YE;
The pole is a 5m heavy duty squid pole from Haverford, mounted on the base of a work light stand. The corners are 450mm long star-pickets, with a tensioning rope in one corner. The antenna itself is made from 10m of speaker twin lead, split into the two sides. One side forms the base of the delta, and the other the two sides. A join is made in side opposite the feed point. The feed point is located 1/4 wave down from the peak of the triangle.
The antenna is fed by a short length of home-made ladder line into an LDG tuner, with a current balun between the tuner and the ladder line.
The dimensions predicted by the NEC model proved to be too generous, so the antenna was shortened at each junction until resonance was achieved. The lengths of the base and both sides of the delta were kept equal. (At some take I'll measure the final lengths and update this page).